Here’s some really nice sayin’s about Pastor Gene & his ministry! (Psst. Other fancy folks call these “endorsements.”)
I have served as Pastor of First Baptist Church of Calera, Oklahoma for over 20 years and have known Pastor Gene “Bubba” Wright for years at children’s camp at Falls Creek, but this is the first time I’ve had him in revival. I can say without a doubt that he is the most unusual evangelist we’ve ever had! No one goes to sleep on his watch! He has a unique ability to communicate with children and adults using visual aids that captivate the audience. The invitations are well done without being prolonged and the response has been great. Please consider this an endorsement of his ministry an encouragement to have him at your church.
Jacob Toews, Pastor
Leslie Palma-Simoncek writes, “The Rev. Gene “Bubba” Wright is on the Island (that’s Long Island) from Houston with a supply of 72-inch balloons that he will repeatedly climb into — possibly with your children… “Bubba” is at the Church at the Gateway in Richmond Valley showing that it is possible to stuff a 6-foot-tall, 198-pound man inside a balloon. For good measure, he took the Rev. Tim Mercaldo, assistant pastor, with him. Together they created a latex-coated 2-headed monster.
(“Rev. Gene “Bubba Wright”) is the Georgia-born pastor who travels to churches around the country to climb into balloons and teach children Bible lessons — many of them balloon-based. He enjoys teaching programs for children in kindergarten through fifth grade that culminates with a stuff-as-many-kids-as-you-can-inside-a-balloon-a-thon. Bubba’s record is 39; with him, that’s 40 people inside a balloon.”
FYI: Check out the video where they stuff in 29 kids right here!Leslie Palma-Simoncek, Newspaper Columnist-New York
If your church is seeking someone to hold a revival, prayerfully consider Gene “Bubba” Wright, and his “It’s All For Him, Bubba Adventure”. The Lord has blessed this man to share the gospel in a very unique way. Some evangelists are great with adults, others with children and teens. God has gifted Gene in such a way he can share the simple message of the gospel with object lessons that capture the attention and speak to the hearts of young and old.
Some churches may feel like they cannot afford a guy like Gene. Well, I say a church cannot afford not to have him. He has a heart for the local church, even the small church. His coming to First Baptist Church, Asher, Oklahoma on a love offering basis plus his expenses made it possible for us to invite him here for our wonderful time together. Some evangelists require a guaranteed amount before they will book your event – not Gene. He will go wherever the Lord leads him and that is one thing among many I appreciate about Him.Dwayne Johnson, Pastor
‘Bubba’ Delights Crowd of 400 at Cherokee, First Calf Fry
Cherokee – He uses juggling, eggs, and fire and tops it off with an “outside in” balloon demonstration – all to get the attention of an audience of more than 400 men and boys.
Gene “Bubba” Wrigh’s message at the Cherokee, First Baptist Calf Fry at the Alfalfa County Fairgrounds evening, March 9? “It’s not about me or you; it’s about Jesus!” he declared.
Wright, who resides in Houston, but travels throughout the Southwest spreading the Word of God, is scheduled for appearances ranging from small communities like Felt, to the Church at The Gateway in New York City.
A native of Georgia, Wright speaks in a heavy southern drawl. He had the Cherokee crowd roaring with laughter while teaching an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper a dance, and then kept them on the edge of their seats as he “ate” fire.
Finally, he pulled a balloon from his bag of tricks, enlarged it with the air from a leaf blower and stepped inside. With only his head protruding from the balloon, he invited young boys from the audience to join him inside the balloon.
Finally, with the men and boys hanging on his every word, Wright asked the crowd for silence and to bow their heads. With a show of hands, he asked those who wanted a relationship with God, along with those who desired a closer relationship to stand. About 80 people raised their hands, and he invited them to meet with him and Cherokee, First Pastor Tom Cooksey for private consultation at the conclusion of the event.
Before the audience was dismissed, Wright, who is a four-time international balloon sculpture champion, handed over several of his balloon creations.
In the ministry for 21 years, Wright served at Muskogee, Grandview for 10 years, five years at Moore, First and six years in Houston. Since resigning his position in Houston in April 2008, Wright has traveled around the country doing children’s activities, training children’s workers and conduction senior adult retreats and revivals.
He and his wife, Robin, have 6 children and 4 grandchildren.
Steve Booher – Publisher of the Cherokee Messenger & Republican