How to prepare for our arrival
Prior to our arrival please pray for those who will attend. We ask that the church pray for the event at least three weeks before we come. We feel it is the most important thing the church can do. We ask that the church have a night of prayer for the children not only in your church but also for those that they will invite.
Below you will find Coloring pages and a Show poster.
Please use these however you wish, copy however many as you will need. We have found that the coloring pages make a good draw as the children color the page with their image of how we look. You may what to make a contest using the coloring pages. You can even pass them out in the neighborhood to help encourage nonmembers to attend the show.
We are looking forward to coming to your church. We are praying that lives will be changed and that the Kingdom will grow.
If you have any questions Contact Us. May God bless you and your church.
In Christ’s service,
John & Youlonda Doffer
You might need to CTL+Click the link below to download these items.
Coloring page 1
Coloring page 2
Show poster