Slowly but surely I made it through the Book of Isaiah. Now I start a new journey through the Book of Jeremiah!
Jeremiah had been called by God to preach the Word of God to a hard headed people.
They were stubborn and set in their ways. For them it was all about I and Me! Does this sound familiar?
God sent Jeremiah to preach the truth of Gods Word to the people because He loves them and wants to save them and wants to deliver them!
Praise God if you have a pastor like Jeremiah who speaks the truth in love! Praise God if you have a pastor who doesn’t sugar coat the message God has given him for you!
The Bible says that in the end people will want their ears tickled. In other words they want to hear a message that makes them feel good!
This is what makes me feel good when I go to church! When the Holy Spirit steps on my toes and convicts me of sin in my life! It’s uncomfortable, but this let’s me know that I’m a child of the King! Knowing that is what makes me feel good!