I have a friend who lives in Muskogee, Oklahoma. When I was at Grandview Baptist he’d drop by for some advice. While there he wanted to share his sins with me. I told him, “I’m not the Lord and I can’t forgive sins, take your sins to the Lord!”
He’d quote this verse found in the Book of James. It says, “Confess your faults one to another, that ye may be healed. There’s no where in that verse it says for me to confess my sins to you or you confess yours to me!
We are to confess our sins to God and our faults one to another. For example, if I say something to you that hurts your feelings, then I ought to confess that to you and vice versa.
I will not confess my sins to you and I don’t want you confessing your sins to me! We are to confess our sins to the Lord. No preacher can forgive sins, only God can do that!