Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried and on the third day rose from the grave. Right now He is in heaven sitting at the right hand of God. He is on His throne and He sees everything we do, He hears everything we say. There is nothing we can hide from him!
He is Awesome and no one, absolutely no one is like Him. He’ll love you when nobody else will. He’ll listen to you rant an rave when not one else will, and He’ll forgive you when no one else will.
He is the only one th…at can heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds.
Are you troubled today? Do you need forgiveness, or do you need to forgive someone?
Why don’t you give all your problems to the King of Kings and let Him deal with it?
He can do a better job at it than you can my friends. Here, there, or in the air!
Praise Report! Last night I was at Life Church in Sulphur, LA. doing an Upwards Soccer Closing Program.
During the invitation 25 people walked the aisle making a profession of faith. There were children, teenagers, men and women in this group. It was fantastic.
I want to thank all of you for your continued prayers for me and our ministry!
Here, there, or in the air!