Good Morning Friends,
As you know I’ve been gone for the past few days! I arrived in Houston yesterday and it was great seeing my bride of almost 40 years.
I’d like to share with you the things that God did while I was away.
When I left Houston I drove to Poteau, Oklahoma. I was there on a Saturday at Southside Baptist Church.
I did a children’s program for them and when I gave the invitation 23 folks made a profession of faith, and many of them were adults!
I then drove to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma after that program to stay with my mother in law.
Sunday morning I was at the Church At The Midtown. I did three kids worships back to back and we saw 39 children make a profession of faith for our Lord Jesus Christ!
Sunday night through Wednesday I was in revival at Glenwood Baptist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma with Pastor Clayton Griggs.
Sunday night we saw 32 people, mainly older folks walk the aisle re-dedicate there lives to Jesus. It was awesome y’all!
After the folks got right with the Lord, revival broke out. When the dust settled there were 34 professions of faith!
I want to thank the ones of you who donate to the ministry through prayer, giving of funds, and a vehicle so that I can do what I’m doing!
I truly believe you guys and gals will get a piece of the pie when you arrive in heaven!
I love you all! Here, there, or in the air!
By the way, tomorrow I will be at First Baptist Church in Gonzales, Texas and then on Sunday I’ll be at Above and Beyond in Spring, Texas.