Have you ever took the time to set back and take a good long look at yourself. I have and this is what I’ve discovered. I have bad thoughts and I dwell on them sometimes! I have bad attitudes and because of that I want to get even with those who upset me! I’ve even caught myself telling half truths which is basically a down right lie! Sometimes I say mean, hurtful things to the ones I love, and the list goes on and on. Boy, Am I A Mess!
You may be surprised at what I say or do but nothing I say or do surprises the Lord. The amazing thing is, no matter what we say or do God still works things out according to His plan or purpose!
God is in control of this vast universe! Everything is going according to His plan. Remember what Jeremiah 29:11 says, I know the plans I have for you saith the Lord, plans not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future!
Even though I’m a mess, you’re a mess, and this world is a mess we can find great comfort in the fact that God is in control of the mess! Believe It or Not!