
Job 13:13, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him…” Even though Job was at death’s door he had complete confidence in the Lord! This is the kind of faith you and I need my friends!

We often do what Jeremiah did, “Why did you let ME see trouble?” In other words, “Why me Lord, why couldn’t it have been someone else?”

During an earthquake years ago a Christian walked out into a street and saw nothing but debris and destruction. As she stood there she had a big smile on her face. Her friend said, “How in the world can you stand there and smile like that?” She replied, “I rejoice that I have a God who can shake heaven and earth!”

How wonderful it is to face life and death unafraid because you have placed your faith in a living God who cares about you 110 percent! Our goal should be to get to that place in our lives of total commitment to Him!
