First Baptist Church, Beaver, Oklahoma – Fantasitc News!

This week I’ve been at First Baptist Church in Beaver, Oklahoma holding revival services. Our Lord did some wonderful things while I was there. God used the people at FBC to bless me physically, mentally and spiritually. I know they are folk who have their problems like everyone else, but I truly believe they love our Lord!

By weeks end they were picking on me liked I’d been a member there for years. Not many people think there’s much to be offered out in the Panhandle but that’s not true, there’s First Baptist in Beaver, Oklahoma!

Seventy two people walked the aisle making some type of decision for Jesus and I do believe over ten of those were professions of faith! If this doesn’t light your shucks, you’re woods all wet!

I don’t know how many of you who read this will be from FBC in Beaver, but I want to thank you for the love you showed me during the week I was with you. Continue to love each other in the Lord as God uses you to reach your community for Him. Be blessed!
