Since I’ve been in the ministry I’ve heard many people say, “God Can’t Use Me The Way He Uses Others! I’m Not A Very Popular Person, No One Cares To Listen To me!” Believe it or not, God wants to use simple folk like me and you!
When Jesus chose His disciples, He didn’t choose Olympic Champs or Roman Senators. He chose simple folk like you and me! Some were fishermen, one was a political extremist, one was a tax collector, and one was a publican, a nobody in society.
He used these men to change the Roman world upside down for Christ. How did He do it? Through their popularity? They had none! Their position? They had none! Through their riches? They had none! Through power? That’s right! They had power, and that power was the power of Christ through the Holy Spirit!
Don’t forget, the Lord still uses ordinary people to turn His world upside down. He wants to use you today and He wants to use me!
Romans 6:13 says, “Neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.”