Do you ever wonder what Jesus is doing right now! Scripture does not leave us in the dark concerning this.
The Bible says that Jesus is in heaven making intercession for us. He is praying for you and for me. This absolutely blows me away!
Secondly, He have the intervention of Christ. He washes those who confess their sins! Christians have sin, and those sins must be confessed in order to have fellowship with Him. He has His towel and basin and He intervenes on our behalf!
The next thing I’m going to share isn’t very popular among churches or individuals. He is an inspector. He inspects you and me. He inspects us to see if we are doing what we want to do or if we’re doing the things that pleases Him!
He makes intercession, intervenes and inspects. He does this to demonstrate His great love for us! Praise God for His love, mercy, and grace!FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmailShare