Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king!
As I was reading God’s Word this morning this verse caught my attention.
We as Christians are to honour all men. In other words, we should respect them. (I don’t know about you, buy I struggle with this one.)
Love the brotherhood. We are to love other believers, all of them. You mean to tell me I’ve got to love that dude or dudette who attacks me, my family and ministry? Yep! (I don’t know about you, but I struggle with this one to!)
Fear God. If God wanted to He could wipe me off the face of the earth just like I kill a fly with a fly flap. Scripture says that fearing God is the beginning of wisdom. I don’t think we fear God enough, if we did we wouldn’t say, do and think some of the things we say do and think. (I don’t know about you, but I struggle with this one also!)
Honour the king. We don’t have a king but we do have a president. Man, I have some problems with some of the things President Obama has done and is doing. As a matter of fact I’ve been vocal about some of them before. We may not care for the man and what he’s doing but we should honor the office. (I don’t know about you, but I struggle with this one as well!”
Man, I’m A Mess! Here, There, Or In The Air!