I know most of you have never seen our Christmas Tree. It’s fake, it doesn’t give off any odor and I don’t have to water it. It’s a plain Jane tree and there’s nothing special about it until you decorate the dude.
Once a year we get it out of the attic, take it out of the box, set it up and then we proceed to put all the ornaments and lights on the tree. After this small task is done I put the finishing touch on the tree which is a beautiful star on top!
Once the star is in place we plug her up and this fake tree that puts out no odor becomes a thing of beauty.
I was thinking, I’m a lot like that tree. There’s nothing special about me. I’m just an old farm boy from the State of Georgia. I’m losing my hair, I have to wear glasses and I’m on the final stretch in life to heaven.
What makes me special and you special is the light that lives inside us. Jesus is that light and he wants to shine through you today to a lost and dying world who needs Him!
Remember, you are the light of the world, a city set on a hill cannot be hidden!