Last Friday night I had the privilege of going to do Darrington Prison in Rosharon, Texas to do a program for the prisoners and their families. I knew many of these men from last year.
While there I met a man who told me he was up for parole in 2037. He told me he was in for life but he’d been saved a year earlier and now he was walking with the Lord.
This man is guilty and he’s been condemned with no hope of getting out! Let’s say someone decided to offer him a pardon so that he could be set free. He’d take that pardon in a heart beat so that he could be with his family and friends. If he didn’t we’d consider him down right crazy!
Our position is something like a man who is in prison being asked whether or not we want a pardon. We’re not on trial because we are condemned already, we are guilty of sin. Jesus offers each person a pardon. Will you accept the pardon? The gospel is preached to save those who are lost. Because of Jesus we can be set free from the bondage of sin!
John 3:17, For sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved!