Have you ever doubted your salvation? It’s been a long time for me, but I have! As I look back I realize I doubted my salvation during times when I was disobedient to the Lord.
I John 2:3 says, “And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments.” This is not talking about the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments were given to the unsaved!
In I Thessalonians there are twenty two commandments given to a child of God. Here are a few of them. Rejoice evermore – God wants you to be a happy Christian in all circumstances. Pray without ceasing – When you get off your knees, you are to still walk in a prayerful attitude. Quench not the Spirit – In other words, don’t say no to God!
These are just a few commandments the Lord has given to us as believers. By following them we can have the assurance in our hearts that we know Him. You see, a sincere Christian does not do as he pleases, he does as Christ pleases! If you are doing as you please, you are living in darkness. Step out of the darkness and walk in the light!