The Bubba Adventure Update! Wednesday, March 16, FBC, Stroud, Oklahoma

Hello Friends,

It’s time to jump up, spin around, hoot and holler.

Tonight in Stroud, Oklahoma at First Baptist Church there were over 200 people in attendance. I preached about the rich young ruler who had a chance to accept Jesus but did not!

I followed the reading of scripture with the Story of Rose! Rose was a little girl who didn’t accept Jesus until she became an old woman at the age of 73.

I gave the invitation and 22 people walked the aisle and 8 of those were salvation’s!

Total decisions during this revival was 94 with 17 professions of faith!

For this, I give God the praise and the glory. He’s on His throne and He’s still performing miracles in the hearts and lives of people everywhere!

I want to thank all of you for lifting me and this ministry up in prayer! Be blessed!

I’ll Cya Here, There, Or In The Air! Pastor Gene (AKA – Bubba)
