Why I Do What I Do!

People wonder why I use object lessons while I preach!

1. God told me to! 2. Object lessons keep their attention! 3. People need to learn that it’s OK to laugh and have fun in church!

Remember, the second Fruit of the Spirit is Joy, and Power is a byproduct of it!

The Devil has fooled many people into thinking they can’t have fun in church!

This is an absolute lie coming from the Father of Lies!

If you’re one of those stiff britches let me give ya some advice!

Loosen the old belt and let your hair down! When a person has joy in their life I believe they hear the voice of God more frequently!

McGee says, “Down in the dumps I will not go, for that is where the devil keeps me low!”

I’ll pray that those who read this will experience real JOY in their lives today and please pray the same for me!
