I’m in New York City today and I’ll be preaching at The Church at The Gateway. My goal is to preach the word of God in such a way that all will understand. The Bible says, “to feed my sheep, not feed my giraffes!” In other words I shouldn’t speak over their heads when I preach! That is my goal!
Speaking of goals, we all have them. Two of my goals in life was to be a good football player and a hard worker. Those goals have been achieved! Two other goals I had was to be a good daddy and husband. Those goals have not been achieved because I have failed miserably!
You might ask, why have you failed? It’s simple, I wasn’t the dad or husband I should be because God wasn’t in control of my life. I thought He was at the time but He wasn’t!
Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” The key to this verse is “glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
Goals are good, but if those goals are meant to bring glory to the Father they you’d might as well trash em!