I have a friend who lives in Fort Gibson, Oklahoma and when he prays he’ll pray something like this. “Lord, I want you to show me Jesus!” I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen Jesus and if I did it would probably scare the pants off me!
One day we’ll see Jesus and that day will come when we enter heaven. For now, the important thing is not for us to see Jesus but to believe in Him!
You might say I believe in Him and I put my trust in Him when I was saved! That’s great, that’s marvelous, but do you believe in Him daily! Do you believe in Him when you’re sick and there’s no money in the bank account? Do you believe in Him when a loved one has past away or they’ve been diagnosed with cancer?
You see, it’s easy to say we believe, but when the rubber hits the road do we really believe and trust Him! You can trust Him today! He knows everything about you and what you’re going through! Give Him your worries and fears! When you do, He’ll give you a peace that passes all understanding!